Barry & Madelyn- 2014
Fouad & Rose - 2014
Cara Paola,
Grazie mille a Te per la Bella e unica esperienza informativa.
Io e Rose, speriamo di tornare presto in Sardinia per continuare il nostro vaggio. A presto.
Fouad e Rose
Marie - 2014
Hi Paola,
I have just had a meeting with the tour manager Robert, to get his feedback on the tour. He said that you were everybody’s favourite guide on the whole program. All the people in the group loved you and enjoyed their tours very much. The 1 hour lecture was also very interesting.
Many thanks for all your hard work with this group and looking forward to working with you in the future!
Kind regards,
S. & T. Hancock - 2014
Hi Paola,
Sharron and I returned home to Cape Cod this weekend past. We had a wonderful trip and I must say one of the highlights was our excursion to Sardinia and the delightful tour which you led. Again,
I want to alert you that Sardinia is one of the places in the world that we would like to return to if possible. If that becomes a reality, I will certainly be in touch with you regarding where
to stay, etc. In the meantime, here is wishing you all the best, and again it was a pleasure meeting you.
Kindest regards,
T. Hancock
Tom - 2014
Hi Paola,
we so enjoyed meeting you in Sardinia. Your tour was wonderful, and indeed my favorite tour of the cruise. We definitely would like to return to Sardinia for a holiday including golf and the beach. We are presently in Barcelona; will return to the U. S. A. Saturday and will look at your website next week. Thank - you for getting back to me and I will be in touch in the near future.
Kindest regards,
Vytautas & Rimantas - 2014
Dear Paola,
we are so glad about our visit to Sardinia, it was "bonissimo" days we spend with You. After we visit Capri and Napoli, but stay with you it was unforgetable.
Thank You for You hospitality and very interesting tours. We are waiting to Your visit to Lithuania
best regards :)
Vytautas and Rimantas
Barry & Mike - 2014
Julian - 2012
Dear Paola,
remembering your own personal store of knowledge shown during the Mediterranean Society's trip last May, I write to ask you for a piece of information I cannot find anywhere else; namely, how do we explain the name of the famous nuraghe at Abbasanta--the name LOSA ? I am preparing a lecture on Sardinia which I will give to adults at the College of William and Mary this fall and I want to anticipate questions. Can you help me?
Julian W. J. Jr., Chancellor Prof. Emeritus of Classical Studies
Nancy - 2012
All my best,
Lindsay - 2012
I'm Lindsay - remember me? I was with you and Patti on that wonderful trip through Sardinia in September/October. Patti says hello.
Cam & Tony - June 2012

Dear Paola,
Thank you for the enjoyable and informative tour to Barumini. We really appreciated your historical insight and your enthusiasm for all Sardinian things!
Cam & Tony
Lynn W. - April 2012
Hello Paola, I wanted to let you know what a pleasure it was to have your tour in Sardinia with my group from the Oceania Cruise ship. Everyone really enjoyed it. I wanted to let you know that I sent a recommendation for your tour and company to two US tour operators, and At your service, Lynn

Judy and Steve B. - October 2011
Paola is a wonderful, knowledgeable guide and a very pleasant person who is extremely easy to work with. She is familiar with all aspects of the history, culture and arts of Caligiari and Sardinia and is passionate about transmitting her knowledge to her clients. The van accommodations were very comfortable, with an excellent driver, and lunch at a small outdoor restaurant in town on the way back from Nora was a wonderful experience. Paola will accommodate personal desires of her clients who have particular interests and who may want to have time for shopping and other activities. It was also a pleasure setting up the tour via email since Paola is very responsive to inquiries and gives detailed information concerning all requests. Her responsiveness relieves anxieties about trip planning. Paola, a million thanks for a great touring experience in October 2011!

Patti - September 2011
Dear Paola,
Yes, I’m still dreaming we are in Sardegna with you. What a marvelous tour we enjoyed with you and Marcello. We couldn’t have been more pleased with your expert guidance, your enormous knowledge
of the island’s history, culture, current events and art/architecture. For me, you made it the easiest tour, and perhaps the most successful of any I’ve escorted in the past 16 years.
You read our travelers so well, matching the information to their particular interests. You made us laugh and always hungry for the next stop on our journey around the island. You are a gifted
teacher and made us all eager to learn.
You’ve made it such a special destination and I would love to introduce more US travelers to all Sardegna’s charms.
Mike P. - September 2011
Had a great trip and still talk about it. Stopping at the farm and visiting with farmer was special too.

Neil W. - June 2011
Just a quick note to thank you for the the lovely tour. We appreciated the city a lot more thanks to your knowledge and fun.
We will be sure to recommend you to any friends and if you would like us to do a review on any websites just let us know.
Please find attached a couple of pictures from the market and some for your friend behind the horse meat counter.
Thanks again
Trevor C. - June 2011
"Thanks for making our trip to Sardinia so enjoyable... we were so fortunate to have you as our guide!"

Adrian & Fancy - May 2011
Thank you again for such a fabulous memory.

Dina F. - October 2010
Dear Paola,
I had a fantastic honeymoon!
Of course I will send you some pictures with our comments. This weekend, I’ll take care of choosing the photos. It’s going to be a difficult job, since Sascha took wonderful pictures. Say hi for
me to Sascha and Francesca. Thanks again for an unforgettable ceremony
Sandy B. - October 2010
Ciao Paola
Now that I've had a week to catch up with three weeks of mail and vegetables in the garden, I wanted to tell you thanks once again for a great time in Sardinia. You did a wonderful job of making
a program for us that was exactly what I had asked you for when I first contacted you. Sardinia was probably our favorite part of the trip and we plan to come back in the future and to recommend
you to our friends. You definitely did a lot more than expected - meeting us at the airport, fighting for us with the car rental company, and spending a lot more than 6-8 hours a day making sure
that we were having the experience we wanted. It was a wonderful and memorable adventure.

George B. - May 2010
Thanks for a great tour. All members told me they really enjoyed the itinerary and your commentary. I would like to return someday to Sardinia and explore the entire island. It
does seem to me to be very interesting, with many different locations, each with its unique history. In the meatime, here are a few pictures as promised.
If you ever need a testimonial about your service please feel free to contact me and I will be glad to provide a strong endorsement.
Best regards,
Testimonial in support of Paola Loi
I organized a tour of Cagliari through Paola Loi in April, 2010. We were met at the cruise ship as promised, and treated to a marvelous 4.5 hour tour of the sights and history of the city
and surroundings. We had discussed itineraries beforehand, and it was clear that she had listened well and customized our tour based on our interests. Paola provided complete and
animated explanations of what we were seeing, and she proved very knowledgeable about the history and significance of the area. Her commentary was clear and everyone later told me how much
they had learned from her, and how well they liked the overall experience. Paola had arranged excellent bus transportation, and we were moved about Cagliari in comfort. I heartily
endorse Paola’s services as a tour guide and am pleased to provide my recommendation to others to engage her services.
Laureen O. - May 2010
Just a note to say Thank You! I appreciated your quick replies to all my emails and found you to be very easy and efficient to communicate with. That is so important to
travelers in a foreign destination.
Thank you for taking such good care of us.
I hope we have an opportunity to cross paths again. We so enjoyed your island and actually are seriously considering a land holiday in the future to Sardinia exclusively.
Good fortune and health to you
Rick E. - May 2010
Hi Paola,
I just returned back to the US this evening and wanted to get back to you to tell you how much we loved all of the arrangements that you made for our trip to Sardinia. All of the hotels
were great, and the car rental was also as expected.

Angelo P. - June 2010
Gent. Dott.ssa Paola Loi,
grazie anche al suo significativo contributo, tutti i torinesi hanno apprezzato e ricorderanno con vero piacere.
Le invio anche la fotografia che la riprende presso un murales di Tinnura.
RicordandoLa con molta simpatia io e mia moglie la salutiamo infine molto cordialmente.
Fiorella C. - Maggio 2010
Sono stati intensi i sei giorni passati in Sardegna fra siti di grande interesse, marine d'incanto e valli gonfie di vegetazione e imbiancate di peri selvatici. Abbiamo avuto la
fortuna di avere una guida vivace e versatile. Paola, col suo bell'accento sincopato, parlava anche con le mani, con gli occhi, esprimendo un tale amore per la sua terra da farla amare
anche a noi. Ci ha edotto non solo sull'arte e la storia locali, ma anche sui fiori, le piante, gli animali autoctoni.
Per la sua passione il "genius loci" si è fatto respirare poco a poco anche da noi. Forse era un po' sciovinista: "Da recenti studi, pur non del tutto
accreditati, sembra che Adamo ed Eva scorrazzassero innocentemente nudi tra querce e uliveti prima che le melette sarde li costringessero alla foglia di fico." e: "La lupa che ha allattato Romolo
e Remo è ormai certo fosse originaria della nostra isola, da parte di madre." Sto scherzando, Paola, sei stata formidabile. Mi si sono inumiditi gli occhi di fronte alla bellezza
purissima della chiesetta di S. Pietro di Sarres, di fronte a Santa Trinità di Saccargia così inaspettata nella campagna. La visita alla casa di Grazia Deledda mi ha anche
coinvolto nel profondo. Tutto era come lei l'ha descritto: il cortiletto col muro di sassi, le stanze, la dispensa. Riandavi ad un passato fatto di silenzi, di sentimenti forti
spesso inespressi. Ho particolarmente goduto lunghi tratti di strada per una vegetazione spontanea che aveva un sapore arcaico, da sembrare uscita da una vecchia stampa.
Ma il momento della commozone più profonda e corale è stato a Sopramonte, quando i pastori ci hanno presentato su piatti di sughero una porchetta fragrante d'erbe, una pancetta che si
scioglieva in bocca. E il tutto innaffiato da abbondante canonau fresco. Fra gli alberi il verso degli uccelli e il nostro devoto silenzio.
La grappa finale ci ha costretto poi ad arrampicarci mani e piedi sulla corriera. Christian, l'autista, gentilissimo seppur reticente, lavorava al millimetro incuneandosi in vicoli stretti,
là dove noi avremmo divelto angoli di case, balconi. Lungo i tornanti angusti della Barbagia dopo ogni curva tiravo un sospiro di sollievo: "Anche questa è andata, viaggiamo
ancora in orizzontale!"
Dio benedica i giovani sardi, sono più romantici dei friulani. Sui nostri muri "Laura sei un gran pezzo di f...", sui loro, li ho annotati, "Elena sei la mia vita, ti amerò per sempre" e
"Grazia, se dovessi cessare di amarti uccidimi".
Quest'ultima vagamente mussoliniana e poi sarebbe stato meglio che lo scrivente avesse optato per il suicidio ad evitare all'amata complicanze giudiziarie. Ma già vale il pensiero.
Sì, sono stati sei giorni intensi, ma non abbastanza da scoraggiarci dal concludere le cene, al bar, con un bicchierino di mirto, dolce vigoroso profumato: il giusto viatico per un sonno
Paola ci aspetta fra due anni per visitare la parte occidentale dell'isola: ginnastica e cibi sani, ragazzi, non possiamo perdere quest' appuntamento.

Mutsuko S. - February 2010
Dear Paola san
Few days past after we arrive in Japan.
I can't believe we had been in Sardegna last week.
In Sardegna, we got a lot of important information from you. You introduced us to many interesting people. I think it should have needed a lot of preparations. We would like to express to you our
deep gratitude, Thank you so much. If we had the opportunity to resarch in Sardegna again, we would contact with you.
Again Thank you for your all help for us!
Please tell Aldo to our gratitude.
Sincerely yours
Taro O. - February 2010
Ciao Paola san
We are back in school. start backing to real life. Thank you so much about great tour in Sardenga. Also tank you for sending list of press articles of Domo.
This is a explanation of URUSHI art
Thank you again for wonder full organise the trip, and planning.
Ci vediamo! send my best wish.
Marina and David - June 2009
Hello Paola - sorry it's taken so long to send you a huge THANK YOU for all your help during our Cagliari trip. In particular, we would never have found the excellent Dr Ampex without
Do you have any details about the restaurant I might use in my piece? Bit of history about Gianpaolo (sp???) or his cousin who does the cooking?
And, of course, if you and Sascha ever fancy a trip to the Kent coast (or London) we'd love to see you again.
very best wishes

Sherry & Jim - June 2009
Hi, Paola,
If you ever come to the states, you must be our guests. The rest of the trip was great too. Our lodging was beautiful(Is Benas Lodge). We loved the winery trip in Nuoro (Oliene) and a day in
Tharros. Thanks for you tips. The maps were invaluable. Best.

Yuko Y. / GT CENTER Travel agency Japan - March 2009
Dear Paola-san,
Mr. Matsubara were very very much satisfied with your service, and he thanked deeply to your service!
They told us that their mission has been achieved as 120 %!!
We'd also like to thank you for your excellent job, you were very much helpful for us.
We don't arrange the ticket to Sardinia that much, but we will definitely contact you in future if we have chance as this time.
Please keep in touch, and again, thank you very much for your support!!!
Sincerely yours,
Jennifer and Bernd - August 2008
Hi Paola,
It was a pleasure having you on our side as our witness and translator of ‘Bürokratenitalienisch’.
Let’s keep in touch.
Mille Grazie
Cornelia G. - May 2007
Hi Paola
it was great to meet with you in Sardinia.
Thanks for your cheerful company and expertise guiding. It really made the post workshop tour! We decided not to feature Sardinia next year but who knows what happens in the future. Would be
happy to use your services if we ever come to the island with our groups
Wishing you all the best with your various ventures
Debbie B. - May 2007
Hi Paola,
Hopefully this gets through to you. Thanks for all the wonderful tour guiding and I look forward to hearing your news.
Mostafa M. - February 2007
Dear Paola,
I would like to thank you for your kindness and professionalism during our two tours in Sardinia.
Sayuri - March 2006
Hi Paola
How are you doing? Thank you very much for the other days. I had a very good time in Sardinia. Everyone had a good trip! I'm happy with it. I tell you that you had a good reputation from the
I hope you are well. Ciao!
Mariana - August 2005
based on your great guiding we have decided to visit Sardinia once again this year in September.I think your advices are priceless. Many thanks for your help.
Emma D. - August 2005
Hi Paola,
Sorry I haven't been in touch sooner, been really busy since I got back for sardinia, thank you so much again on making it such a special day for me & Lee. I've sent you a few pictures hope
to like them & maybe in the future we may see each other again. We are hopefully coming back to Sardina next year for our honeymoon watch this space.
Elizabeth S. - March 2005
I just wanted you to know again what a wonderful and successful trip you gave us in Sardinia. I have been hearing in our community from friends of those who were along one nice comment
after another. Thank you so much. It was so good to start at the museum and see the successive cultures. We knew nothing about Sardinia except what we have each read (or I hope they
did) in the weeks before going and this gave us a good basis.
Best wishes to you.
Stephania - March 2005
I have been working on my album
of my visit to your beautiful Island and revisiting all the wonderful places there. As I think of your Island I could never forget you and your love of it, I'm sure the weather has
gotten better as I look at the weather for Rome.
I know that Marjorie sent you some pictures and I hope that you remember us as we so fondly remember you and the week we spent on your lovely Island. As I read the books from the different
places we visited it makes me want to come back and revisit you and your Island.
Love to you and your beautiful Island, keep in touch.............
Anders E. - April 2004
Dear Paola Loi.
How are you? I hope you are fine and enjoy the nice weather in Cagliari. Here spring has arrived with temperatures around 12 degrees and sunshine. Thank you very much for your assistance when
Thomas, Lene and I were in Cagliari. You and Giulia helped to make the journey to Sardinia both interesting and very nice. I am in the process of making a television programme from the vast
material that we brought back from your wonderful island. I enjoyed the mountains surrounding Nuoro very much and realised that there are many Sardinia's. I knew already, but now I saw it with my
own eyes. Alghero is also a beautiful place and quite different from Cagliari and Nuoro. In 10 days I will make a new journey, this time we go to Belgium, but I will always have a place for
Sardinia in my heart and I hope to return one day. Please give my regards to Giulia. Both of you are always welcome in Copenhagen.
Best regards